The Loh-Down

Monday, May 21, 2012

Back from hibernation

Where have I been?  During my brief hiatus I've been working on some fun self-projects, reading, watching and listening.

Here's a short and sweet update of what I've been up to:

  • I've been watching: Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad and Girls, the new HBO series which I find refreshing yet I can't actually decide if I actually enjoy watching it.
  • I've been reading: Plenty.  Hunger Games, A Game of Thrones, my Fujifilm x100 camera manual and other camera related books to list a few. Lots and lots of magazines.  I've been popping into Magnation every second week and it's been dangerous to say the least. But it's all in the name of research - more on that perhaps in another post.
  • I've been listening to: Grimes, Janelle Monae, Passion Pit and The Rubens (check them out here).  I'm not sure how sharing wearehunted playlists actually works but let's experiment and see if that works.
  • Exciting new purchases:  Too many to list.  I can firmly say it's high time I stop unnecessary spending... until next weekend. I've named my sexy Fujifilm x100, Gertrude.  She's absolutely beautiful.  I can also add a Lover dress to that list and a pair of Cheap Monday high waisted jeans which I'm still trying to figure out what I should pair it with.
Well, until next time stay tuned via Pinterest & instagram (@tiffalo)